Life is like that

I was at a Dinner party recently with some of my Tv friends and our wifes and partners.It has often struck me that those of us who do have a reasonable level of acceptance from our significant others are very lucky, but often when wives of Tv's are gathered to gether in one place that strange unanswerable question why crops up.. A sudden silence stills the room.
"well, you don't really want to be women do you", echoes across the now silent lounge where we are taking a little coffee.
Three very silent Tv's sit and a vague muffled noise escapes from one of them."Well,err,you see"..
By this point the lady who has posited the question has moved on to something else and a collective sigh of relief is let forth and the moment is past.
Some times it is not a good idea to think too much...

The conversation moves on to how long each of us has spent getting ready to come to this little soiree.
"About half an hour" I say, my friend who will remain nameless but all ways looks immaculate clocks in at 2 hours plus.

At a pause earlier in the evening the divine one decides to touch up her make up whilst on a comfort break,
and unbeknown to her she is timed at 21 minutes.
Eventually the next course is served...

So heres a little Thank you to all out long suffering wives and partners, because we do appreciate you...

Click to visit the other half's page !!!
